9:30am-1pm 2:30pm - 6:30pm LaRocca Injury Centers LLC

Our team works closely with you to conduct a thorough diagnostic exam. Once we know the root of your pain, we will be able to perform the proper corrective therapy.

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LaRocca Injury Centers LLC

If you have ever been involved in an auto accident, you already understand the stress and confusion that follows the collision.

From contacting your insurance company to ensuring your vehicle is repaired, there are a number of things you must perform after the crash. For those who are injured during the accident, these steps can seem even more stressful due to your pain.

After an accident, it is more important than ever to take care of yourself. Before starting treatment, it is important to determine the full extent of your injuries.

The human body is designed to bounce back after injury.
In many cases, you need a little extra help to manage the pain caused by an accident. We offer the following therapy methods for our patients:

Spinal Manipulation
Cervical Traction
Manual Therapy
Therapeutic Exercise
Prescription Medication
Ligament Laxity Diagnostic Studies
How It Works

  • Easy Appointments

    Did you have an accident? Are you in pain and need some help? Please call and we can get you scheduled the same day for the help you need. In Florida you only have 14 days to see a doctor after a car accident for your car insurance to pay.

    Don’t Delay.

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    We have on site digital X-rays, Physiotherapy , Chiropractic and Medical care at each location. Making it easy to do it all under one roof.

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    Nice, Easy & Kind Service

    We have same day first visit appointments, We have 12 locations on the SunCoast of Florida. Pasco, PInellas, Hillsorough, Polk and Manatee Counties. A LaRocca Injury Centers clinic is nearby. Our kind professionals will evaluate your injuries and begin treatment.

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    Ride for your Appointment

    Do you need transportation to your medical appointments? We can provide rides for those cases that need them. Give us a call to schedule your transportation to and from your our office..

Get started

Please Call 727-797-7090 for Intake Paperwork.
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